Topical imiquimod for the treatment of anogenital warts in an infant

Source: Ann Dermatol Venereol

Skowron C, Raoulx M, Skowron F; Annales de Dermatologie et de V 137 (10), 622-5 (Oct 2010)

Tags:  Imiquimod podophyllotoxin





BACKGROUND: Treatment of anogenital warts (AW) in children and infants is painful because of the destructive techniques involved, as a result of which general anaesthesia may be required.


For adults, topical imiquimod is an efficient and well-tolerated product used for these lesions. Here, we report a case demonstrating the benefits of topical imiquimod in the treatment of AW in infant.


PATIENTS AND METHODS: A ten-month-old infant was presenting large AW in the inguinal and perianal folds for a period of two months, which persisted despite one month of treatment with podophyllotoxin.


After a month of daily application of imiquimod, the AW was completely cured, with no recurrence at six months.


DISCUSSION: In the literature, we found four similar case reports concerning the efficacy and safety of topical imiquimod for AW in infants.


Although topical imiquimod is not licensed for paediatric use, these case reports highlight the benefits of this approach in infants.  




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